If you don't know the importance of eating greens I recommend the book Green for Life
- Wheatgrass Orange Juice
- Green Lemonade or a fast version I use is: 2 T lemon juice, 1 packet of stevia, 2 T of juiced greens & 8 oz water.
- Check out Mehgan chugging down this green drink version with TONS of Vitamineral Green. WOW!
- Kale & jicama juice: juice 1 bunch kale w/ 1 jicama (peeled) This tastes much like an unripe banana. Don't ask how, but it does!
- Green Juice: 1 bunch spinach, 1 head celery, and 1 cucumber ( this is a common juice prepared at Tree of Life)
- RawModel's Spicy Green MSM Tonic
- Chocolate green smoothie ( kale, bananas, ice or water, cacao or carob powder blended in a Vita- Mix)
- Here is a video of one of our first green smoothies
Savory Green Energy Soups (Benefits)
- Alexis's Massaged Green Salad ( mash it together with your hands)
1/2 (or more) bunch kale chopped
1 ripe mango chopped
1/2 ripe avo chopped
1 small, ripe lemon juiced
1 jalapeno diced
1 green onion chopped - Check out this video w/ my kids preparing a Massaged Greens Salad
- Prepare Zucchini Hummus ( minus lemon, cumin, paprika & added red bell pepper, & cayenne pepper ) and massage it into a green of your choice. I like spinach myself.
- Courtney's Spirulina Salad
- Shake a bag of lettuce with a squeeze of lemon or lime in a bag and eat them fresh like chips.
- Kale Chips
If you have a favorite green recipe, don't hesitate to share it in the comments below!
The recipie is simple, but I was pleasntly suprised when I drank it this morning!
1 Banana
6 grapes
1 small honey apple
1.5 cups of spinach
It was just the right amount of sweet!!!
Because of your blog, I started incorporating more greens into my diet (a couple months ago) and I notice a big difference in my hair and nails so evidently I was not getting enough calcium before...yikes!
I could live for green smoothies...I never make a smoothie sans greens anymore.
Great post, Lori! Spirulina salad woohoo!!!
I always put my wheatgrass shot in my smoothie, but never thought of putting in in oj. THanks a mil!
i loved "green for life", that book changed my life. i can't think of a better way to start your day, than with a green smoothie. those babies are delicious and addictive!
I just wanted to thank you for posting the massaged green salad recipe/idea. I loved the video of your kids making it - and I was so inspired I made the salad too. I have made it twice in the last week and am surprised at how full I am. I had no idea that you could mash down that huge pile of spinach into such a tiny serving. No wonder you get so full! Anyway loved the recipe - thank you for your wonderful blog. I'm a new reader and really enjoy your posts.
Hi Lori
Any advice on ensuring you get the right amount of protein through a raw food oriented diet?
You cover a lot of health benefits of fruits and vegeatables but I try and follow a paleo oriented diet (aka Mark Sissons and marksdailyapple.com). All the paleo thinking points to more meat and fat requirements in our diets.
I am concerned to learn more about how to get enough protein on a raw diet. Your daily diet plan looks like its a bit skewed to fruit and veggies, but i don't see where the protein kicks in.
Jim, I know it sounds crazy that I don't eat meat. I do however eat plenty of amino acids in the form of raw leafy greens that convert into protein in the body. I do consume fat from avocados, nuts, & oils however in the past I consumed far too many. I would suggest you read a book called 80/10/10 by Dr Douglas Graham. There are also several informative videos on protein myths on youtube if you search that title. Please feel free to email me for further info.
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