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Friday, May 6, 2011

#2 Ethical Entrepreneur- Building Relationships & Your Tribe

Here is the link to RHHB School I can't wait to get my NERD on! I hope to see you there too!


Mauimandy@The Grains of Paradise said...

Great inspiring post Lori! Thank you!

J.D. Meier said...

"Putting your heart and soul out there" ... I like that, and so true.

It's all about building a tribe of raving fans, living and sharing your values, and lifting others up, by creating a bigger playground.

Nanci Panuccio said...

Hey, Lori

Thrilled that you're in B-School. I enrolled last year and loved it so much that I'm back for another round. Looking forward to seeing you inside.

Lori Painter said...

@ Mandy- You are sooo welcome!!!!

@ J.D. Meier- I am sooo loving building my community of cool peeps like you!

@ Nanci- YAY! I was signed up for RHHB school last year, but wasn't able to go through with the program. I was in the middle of a major life shift, and move, etc .. so I am thrilled to do it this time around! And..... I am loving connecting with you!