Not only was I stressing myself out emotionally, I think my workouts were too high stress for me. I even think that the adrenalin rush I would get from intense workouts were defeating the progress. If the cortosol levels are too high in the body and the adrenals are overworked it will suppress thyroid function. Not good for someone who is already dealing with a slow thyroid. So, I decided to pick up the yoga and drop the hard core boxing and boot camp classes.
I even laid off spinning since it really reduced my range of motion and slowed the progress I was making with yoga. I have been dealing with a considerable amount of low back pain. I have hyper lordosis which simply means my low back is really overly curved. It makes it a bit more vulnerable. I injured a disc 10 years ago and it just seems to be my weak link. However, when my quads and psoas are fully stretched my back pain greatly reduces. So, lunges, splits, warrior 1 and all those similar stretches are rocking out! Plus lots of core work keeps me better aligned.
As I was clearing out old data in my computer today I came across pictures I didn't realize I had. This is me weighing in at 108. As you know I am a little over 5'5". Don't mind the boob slippage. I was laying on my tummy and sat up quickly . I didn't realize I was doing a "fashion DON'T". :)
I decided to post these anyway since it really got me excited to think of being that size again. When I see these pics , it takes me back to that feeling confident in my body. I am enjoying this process. As long as I stay in this zone I feel energized and not pressured. I am happy to watch my transformation.
I want to stay in a state of excitement and gratitude. I want to be thankful for what I have now and remember how lucky I am to even have a healthy able body. So many people are less fortunate, disabled, or ill and how dare I complain. I am one lucky chick and I look forward to being as healthy as possible.
Good for you girl!! No fun in transforming your body if it means WORK and BITTERNESS!! You're doing great!!!
Take it easy and enjoy the ride to your beach body :)))
BTW... those pics are adorable!! you'll be there again... Real soon!!
Very sexy! ~Jordan "Real Thinker"
love that you are listening to your body while getting it back at the same time! ;)
just saw your video on your past.
Like I said, you are amazing person. My God send me a girl like that. My life is very similar.
very similar. And you should be so proud of yourself.
"That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!" You are amazing person. what a role model you are for your kids.
wow wow!
I enjoy listening to you.
like okay every needs a little help. But you have always looked
always...smokin hot!
There are times that I would bump into old pics here in my PC whenever I do a little file re-organization and clean up. Whenever you see your old pics, doesn't it make you want to bring those days of being slimmer back? I hope that your progress and your endeavors have been going smoothly! Oh, by the way. I was looking for some blogs that are talking about bathing suits just so that I can get some pointers on what to buy.
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