Made Raw Miso Soup
I can't claim dibs on this recipe it was shown to me by someone else, but I thought I'd pass it along. I love it since it is soy free (perfect for my thyroid). Here are the ingredients. These are rough estimates.
This is like heaven for my thyroid and perfect for these cold winter months. OK, I live in So Cal and it doesn't get that cold, but you know what I mean. :)
Made a raw curry salad dressing
Inspired by Ani Phyo's Curry Salad Dressing . I used avocado instead of olive oil and I liked it better. ; ). I mentioned I am trying to obtain my fat from food and not from bottles.
Tried a new yoga class
My favorite yoga of all time is Bryan Kest's Power Yoga. However, I tried Anusura yoga at a local studio. I learned how to partner up and help my partner get into poses that need some assistance. I did back bends and handstands which I haven’t practiced in a long time, so it felt wonderful. Opening up my body IS opening up my mind. However, I have a pretty open mind as it is! Outside of yoga class I have been practicing yoga with a partner and I am learning how helpful it is to have someone assist me in a pose to take me to a deeper level of my practice. My shoulders and hips are so tight and I look forward to when I can have free range of motion. Here is what I can do on my own now. I want to be able to grasp my hands.

I feel that after years of tight deltoids (shoulders) that I should focus on releasing them. I know I won't be able to go into deeper poses until I can release this restriction. Hopefully in the future I can post video and photos that are more exciting than this.
Self : I have been focusing on practicing more self love since I truly know that this is the key to great relationships. How can others enjoy me if I can't enjoy myself? This is a huge thing for me since in the past I associated self love with being egotistical or self absorbed and selfish. I realise I need to be a little selfish in order to have anything to give anyone else.
Romance: I am still single as I have been for a long while. I realize that I have not made this a priority and how can I allow for a wonderful man to enter my life if I do not know exactly what it is I am wanting? As I mentioned before I have been listening to the Relationship portion of the Get the Edge series from Tony Robbins I know that in order to have a sustainable relationship our natures must be similar or complimentary. I spent lots of time clarifying my vision of an ideal partner. More to come on this topic.
Community: I am a co-organizer of an organic produce co-op. This is how I connect with the members of the community and encourage healthy living. Again, I really wish more people had this in their community. Here is a photo of Tonya (another co-organizer) and me supporting Bunny Berry and RawFu.

This is where we set up our co-op and basket of organic produce to distribute on Saturdays.
My Garden
Here is the trash bins for compost and as you can see I am already overflowing.
My south facing side yard with 4 raised beds. This bed is filled with radishes and other stuff that I never harvested. I still haven't done anything with that irrigation hose. I am still hand watering which is tough to remember with my busy schedule.
Here is my bed of beets. It is the gourmet blend I planted in fall. It is almost ready to harvest. Beet greens are fabulous for liver function, bile flow that breaks down fat. Not to mention that they are awesome for sluggish elimination.
This is my carrot bed and honestly I don't know why they are growing so slow. I am not sure I'll grow carrots again, but it was a learning experience.
This is just a mix of all the other seeds that I had leftover that were planted here.
I received tons of goodies for my garden like rock dust! I can’t wait to get going on my spring garden. I mentioned earlier on the Ann Wigmore video, I saw a home compost system that was set up with big trashcans that had holes drilled into it (much cheaper than a tumbler). I went for it and set that up. I received lots of seed catalogs. It seems that winter is when the catalogs are sent and people decide what they want to grow for the year. I want a nutrient dense garden! Gardening is really teaching me to be better at planning and patience. It's not like I can pop a seed in the ground tonight and harvest the thing in the morning. It takes lots of dedication and love. Who wouldn't benefit from those traits?
Obtained a new camera
If you read my blog you know my home was broken into and my cameras were stolen. So, I now have a new camera . I am actually excited since the format is jpeg avi which means I can now add to my videos using movie maker. My last one was saved mov. files and I wasn't able to convert them appropriately. Hey, learning to edit or add special features to my video sounds fun. I gotta embrace the technology world.
Home Life
New locks and an alarm system was installed. I talked with my neighbors and it seems that I haven’t been the only one who has been broken into. I have been dusting, moping, wiping down walls, windows, baseboards, and window blinds throughout my home. I am eliminating more stuff that I don't use. Less really is more. I have also been wanting to set up my dining room as a little dance/yoga space. Here is what I am starting with.
Lori, where did you get that Azuki Bean Miso? I can't have the soy kind with my thyroid either. Plmk!
I love your posts. They are so intimate and honest. But I am sure you've heard that a lot.
I make sure to have SouthRiver Miso at home since 2 years! Love it and - you know that there are soy-free ones they make.
Check my Miso-Mayo recipe :
AND, Curry Thai Miso Soup :
I feel that the shift needs to be made in my life as well - and telling the truth - needs to be expand beyond raw.
Art is my second love, left a bit on the side.
Love you, Girl!
Be well!
Kristin !
Here :
They only ship for a half a year, so hurry! ( September 15th to April 15th )
And if you want to avoid soy - choose the ones that don't have it listed as ingredients.
Whoamygod, you mentioned me in your blog, I'm famous!!! Seriously, though, I'm so glad your back! Woot :)
Was the movie worth $30.00? I am really wanting to get it, but thats a lot for a movie.
Kristin: If you click on the link I mention on the blog, it will take you to the site to get the miso. Also, Rawvolta posted the link in her comment as well.
Rawvolta: Oh I am so glad you sent those links. I was wondering how else to use the miso. You are a doll!
Paige: You are freaking hilarious! I wanted you to know that I noticed and cared. :)
Toni: I liked the video. It was lent to me. I am not sure if I would have purchased it, but it did put some fire under my booty. I watched it over 3 times the first week and wrote an action plan to get closer to living that set up. I liked the recipes. I dehydrated celery to use instead of salt, and learned all sorts of little simple things to do. Maybe go half on it with a friend and share it. It would definitely be worth it.
I just saw you on Youtube.
I can only say "God, would you please find me a wife as hot, as smart, and as deep as this women Lori," holy crap are smokin hot lady! my GOD!
are my blogs..;)
You are now forever in my favorites in my Youtube!
WOW Angels do exist!
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